09 February 2025

Motivation and Volition – their differences and importance

Volition. Now there is a word we do not hear so much these days. Unfortunate really, as it speaks to a crucial element in getting things done… how much energy do you put into it? 

So have you ever been puzzled when you found yourself highly motivated to do something and yet fell short? This often seems to happen when we aspire to improve our lifestyle… Eat better. Exercise more. Meditate regularly. We have all tried these things, full of good intentions; and yet months later, maybe even weeks or days later, not only have we not done it, but maybe we do not even remember what the intention was.

This week then, a reminder the new online 8 week program Meditation and Contemplation starts Thursday 13th February – quite soon now – register HERE. And then we will examine what motivation really is, what volition is, how the 2 are essential to get things done – and how to break through and actually do them, but first

             Thought for the day

   The most important thing is to check ourselves, 

   Day and night. 

   I believe that is the best way to serve other people.

   That constant mindfulness helps to improve our behaviour, 

   Our way of speaking, and our manner of thinking. 

   As a result, we ourselves 

   Become examples of a good human being.

   And if we can become a good human being, 

   A warm-hearted sensitive person, a useful person, 

   Then other people may take us more seriously

                             His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Let us aim to keep this simple 

– so it is easy to understand, and gives us confidence to use it…

Like many words, motivation, intention and volition are used differently by different authors and in different contexts. In brief, motivation is often used to describe an aspiration – a state of thinking whereby we hope to accomplish something.

Intention is often used inter-changeably with motivation, however, its accurate definition speaks of commitment, action and getting the aspiration done.

Volition is all about the energy one puts into one’s motivation; the commitment we make to getting something done.

So the important piece here is the difference between aspiration and volition. 

The thought  “I would like to do something”, and the commitment and resolve and energy it takes to get it done.

This is crucial as so often I have met people who were highly motivated to accomplish something. 

Maybe we should say, highly aspirational... 

Eat better. Exercise more. Meditate regularly. 

And yet, here they were, bitterly disappointed with themselves, often blaming external circumstances or other people, almost invariably feeling guilty, and not accomplishing what they set out to achieve.

To understand this in a little more depth, let us look at the words and their definitions…

Wikipedia has this to say “Motivation is an internal state that propels individuals to engage in goal-directed behaviour. It is often understood as a force that explains why people or animals initiate, continue, or terminate a certain behavior at a particular time. It is a complex phenomenon, and its precise definition is disputed.”

Intention is a word with similar meaning, yet it is often used to suggest something different. Wikipedia has this to say about intention “An intention is a mental state in which a person commits themselves to a course of action. Having the plan to visit the zoo tomorrow is an example of an intention. The action plan is the content of the intention while the commitment is the attitude towards this content. Other mental states can have action plans as their content, as when one admires a plan, but differ from intentions since they do not involve a practical commitment to realizing this plan. Successful intentions bring about the intended course of action while unsuccessful intentions fail to do so.”

And volition – from Wikipedia again: 

“Volition, also known as will or conation, is the cognitive process by which an individual decides on and to a particular course of action. 

It is defined as purposive striving and is one of the primary human psychological functions.”

Maybe we also need to consider “aspiration” - Wikipedia: “The act of aspiring or ardently desiring; an ardent wish or desire, chiefly after what is elevated or spiritual.”

Back to simple… 

What we are getting at here is the difference between an aspiration, or motivation as it is commonly called, a hope something will be done; and the volition or maybe intention, the energy required to make it happen.

The difference between aspiration or hope and volition or commitment and action.

So consider this… When you plan something new, can you notice the difference between the basic planning, and the commitment? So often we are motivated to do something – “Wouldn’t it be nice if I Eat better. Exercise more. Meditate regularly”. But then, what of the volition? What of the commitment. Volition speaks of making a firm decision. I will do this. I I will eat better. Exercise more. Meditate more regularly. Whatever it takes. I will do it. No compromises. No holding back. I am totally committed to this plan. I will seek the help I need; I will find a way; I will do this…

With that level of volition, things get done.

I have seen it in great athletes. Top business people. People who have experienced remarkable recoveries from extremely difficult circumstances.

So how to generate that level of volition? That level of commitment? 

Maybe this is too simplistic for some. Maybe you think it too unsophisticated. But in my experience, the solution, the answer, is a simple act of will.

Our minds are incredible. And strong. When we put all else aside and make a strong choice – like I am going to do this – it sets in train a whole series of events. Some mundane, some may prove to be extra-ordinary, some may surprise you, some may draw out strengths you previously only hoped for, or dreamt about. 

With a firm decision, the world opens up and all manner of possibilities do in fact become possible.

Happy decision making…


1. Online Program with Ian: MEDITATION and CONTEMPLATION

Ian will present an 8 Week Online Program, Meditation and Contemplation program from 13 February to 3 April 2025 each Thursday, 7.30 – 9.00pm AEDT. 

The program has been designed to be suitable for those new to meditation and contemplation, as well as those more experienced who are looking to reconnect and dive deeper into these transformative domains.

What the Program Offers:

·      Personal instruction and guided practices with Ian Gawler, live, online for 1.5 hours each Thursday for 8 weeks.

·      Email reminders each week with the Zoom link, plus key points from the previous session.

·      The opportunity to discuss and learn with other participants through regular interactive sessions.

·      Question and answer sessions with Ian Gawler each week.

·      Access to revisit the recording of each session for 3 months.

You can register via Eventbrite, using this LINK

2. The Residential Programs

The VENUE: The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia

The Team: Ian and Ruth with Melissa Borich

Meditation Teacher Training – MTT-1: Meditation   12 – 16 May 2025

The core training for those new to teaching meditation, or for those seeking to deepen their skills. Five days, fully residential with an extensive manual to guide delivery of an 8 week Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation program, or adapt to your own needs

Meditation in the Forest   Seven day meditation retreat open to all   2 – 8 June 2025

This year the focus will be on meditation – for inner peace and clarity; along with contemplation – for clear thinking, problem solving, creativity, insight, intuition and exploring the big questions in life. A great retreat; one of my very favourites!

Meditation Teacher Training – MTT-3: Imagery   1 – 5 November 2025

Training in how to teach both meditation and imagery. This training explores in depth how the mind works and how we can use it more effectively. Fascinating, personally relevant and highly empowering for your communities. Also five days, fully residential with an extensive manual.

Deep Natural Peace     Long weekend mini retreat    14 – 16 November

Towards the end of the year, an ideal opportunity for some time out, some gentle introspection and reflection, letting go of the busyness and finishing the year on a meditative high.

You register for any of the residential programs through our website




02 February 2025

Meditation and Contemplation: Ruth and Ian Gawler’s programs for 2025

The one online program for the year, Meditation and Contemplation is starting quite soon. Eight weeks from Thursday 13th February, 7.30 – 9.00pm AEDT. Do join us… Book here.

Actually, I find it hard to imagine navigating the challenges of life without combining the peace, clarity and spaciousness that comes from meditation practice along with the clear thinking and profound insights of contemplation. 

That is why Ruth and I are so keen to continue to offer meditation and contemplation programs in 2025. First comes the one online program for the year, and then the Retreats and Meditation Teacher Training programs. Residential Program bookings, Click here

At the risk of repeating this so often it starts to sound like a cliché, meditation – and contemplation - really are the best gifts you can give to your self or to another. So in this post, more details on why I value meditation and contemplation so much, but first (with apologies for older times when “men” sounded as if they did not include “women”; Thomas Merton was a monk with some wonderful insights)…

         Thought for the day

Not all men are called to be hermits, 

But all men need enough silence and solitude 

In their lives 

To enable the deep inner voice 

Of their own true self 

To be heard at least occasionally. 

When that inner voice is not heard, 

When man cannot attain to the spiritual peace 

That comes from being perfectly at one with his true self, 

His life is always miserable and exhausting. 

For he cannot go on happily for long 

Unless he is in contact with the springs of spiritual life 

Which are hidden in the depths of his own soul. 

If man is constantly exiled from his own home, 

Locked out of his own spiritual solitude, 

He ceases to be a true person. 

He no longer lives as a man.

                              Thomas Merton

Why meditation? When we learn to meditate, we find a way to maintain a sense of inner calm and stability, despite whatever else maybe going on around us. With meditation, we come to experience mental clarity and a quiet inner confidence, yet perhaps even more importantly, we begin to connect – deeply connect – with our self; our true self; with who we really are. 

While meditation has so many immediate and practical benefits – like good health in body and mind, enhanced creativity, better decision making, more mindfulness, compassion, awareness and so on – for me, the real benefit, the ultimate benefit, is this capacity meditation has to help us connect with our own inner truth – the truth of who we really are.

So we may well begin a practice of meditation for any one of the multiplicity of immediate and practical benefits – that makes perfect sense to me and I support that completely; but then, once we start to feel those benefits building in our lives, the possibility of something more, something deeper.

This is where retreats come in. 

By making the time, by making the effort to go on retreat, we remove ourselves from daily life with all its potential busyness and distractions. 

Then a space is created. 

An external space in a peaceful and beautiful place where you are supported by good food and good company. 

But more, the inner space is created where so much can settle or simply be let go of; and then it becomes possible for us to connect to that deeper, simpler, more profound aspect of self.

And as for contemplation, this series of exquisite practices enable us to think things through, to delve into the really important questions in our lives – both the practical ones and the profound – and come to our own inner clarity. 

And as a consequence, make good decisions; creative decisions we can feel confident about and commit to.

So in 2025, I am presenting an 8 week online Meditation and contemplation program. 

This will make access easy for all, and we will develop the sense of connection through the use of breakout rooms and QandA, along with many guided meditation and contemplation practices. 

This online program starts soon – Thursday 13th February and runs every Thursday for 8 weeks from 7.30 to 9.00pm AEDT.  Book here.

Then Ruth and I will present 2 meditation retreats, one for 7 days; the other for 3 days - along with 2 Meditation Teacher Training programs – one on meditation itself, the other where the focus will be on imagery. 

Bookings are coming in quite quickly now, and our residential programs were fully booked in 2024, so a gentle reminder - particularly if you have a particular accommodation preference - it will be advisable to register soon. 

So, hope we can be with you again in 2025, and it is an easier year for us all, marked by peace, good health, contentment and fulfilment... 

          COMING EVENTS    Bookings are now open 

1. Online Program with Ian: MEDITATION and CONTEMPLATION

Ian will present an 8 Week Online Program, Meditation and Contemplation program from 13 February to 3 April 2025 each Thursday, 7.30 – 9.00pm AEDT. 

The program has been designed to be suitable for those new to meditation and contemplation, as well as those more experienced who are looking to reconnect and dive deeper into these transformative domains.

You can register for the online program via Eventbrite, using this LINK

What the Online Program Offers:

·      Personal instruction and guided practices with Ian Gawler, live, online for 1.5 hours each Thursday for 8 weeks.

·       Email reminders each week with the Zoom link, plus key points from the previous session.

·      The opportunity to discuss and learn with other participants through regular interactive sessions.

·      Question and answer sessions with Ian Gawler each week.

·      Access to revisit the recording of each session for 3 months.

2. Residential Programs with Ian and Ruth Gawler, along with Melissa Borich

You register for any of the residential programs through our website:

THE VENUE for all the following residential programs will be The Yarra Valley Living Centre, 55 Rayner Crt, Yarra Junction, Victoria, Australia:

Meditation Teacher Training – MTT-1: Meditation   12 – 16 May 2025

The core training for those new to teaching meditation, or for those seeking to deepen their skills. Five days, fully residential with an extensive manual to guide delivery of an 8 week Mindfulness-based Stillness Meditation program, or adapt to your own needs

Meditation in the Forest   Seven day meditation retreat open to all   2 – 8 June 2025

This year the focus will be on meditation – for inner peace and clarity; along with contemplation – for clear thinking, problem solving, creativity, insight, intuition and exploring the big questions in life. A great retreat; one of my very favourites!

Meditation Teacher Training – MTT-3: Imagery   1 – 5 November 2025

Training in how to teach both meditation and imagery. This training explores in depth how the mind works and how we can use it more effectively. Fascinating, personally relevant and highly empowering for your communities. Also five days, fully residential with an extensive manual.

Deep Natural Peace     Long weekend mini retreat    14 – 16 November

Towards the end of the year, an ideal opportunity for some time out, some gentle introspection and reflection, letting go of the busyness and finishing the year on a meditative high.

You register for any of the residential programs through our website: