Well, it seems the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic may well be over and now we move into a whole new phase of our collective lives. Living with a new threat to life. A new disease.
So this week, 8 simple steps that we can all manage in daily life that can be relied upon to boost immune function, have us in the best health to recover from the virus if we do happen to develop it, and that will give us the best chance of avoiding all the chronic degenerative diseases. A simple formula, but first

Thought for the day
In our time, in our civilization,
Sitting and doing nothing
Is considered either to be a luxury
Or a waste of time.
But sitting can produce
The most nourishing calm and joy
And we can all afford some time to sit.
How wonderful to sit
And do nothing.
Thich Nhat Hanh
So as we begin to navigate these uncertain times, what is our best protection? How to bolster our own health to best resist the virus along with anything else we would rather not catch or develop? How best to boost our own natural good health; our own immune systems?
Seven simple yet reliable steps to boost immune function
1. Meditate daily for 20 minutes
For guidance - my new book Blue Sky Mind, and downloads of all the exercises therein guided by Ruth and myself - available by Clicking Here . If you cannot manage to meditate daily, then do it twice daily - your need is clearly greater!
2. Eat well
Guidance - follow a plant-based, whole food vegetarian or even better vegan diet.
For details, best go direct to the recipe book compiled by the Gawler Foundation catering team : Eat Well, Be Well
3. Exercise for 30 - 60 minutes daily
Guidance - just do it! If you miss a day or two per week, that will be OK, but aim for daily.
4. Get regular, sensible sunlight exposure
For guidance - check this excellent guide from my friends at Overcoming MS - Click here. Vit D is crucial for good immune function and while the information in the link is framed for people with MS, it is one of the very best summaries anywhere...
5. Maintain a good social network
Guidance - start with a good relationship with your self. You are the most important relationship you have. Be kind to yourself. Generous. Then pay it forward to others. Use social media wisely...
Lots of great books to consider, but here are 2 that are old but very good : Getting the Love you Want by Harville Hendrix and Love is Letting go of Fear by Jerry Jampolski.
6. Be creative
Guidance - try this…
Go into an art store - or look on-line - and pick up and feel blank drawing books. Personally, I like A4 size, but you may find a small one speaks to you, or maybe a bigger one. Take home the one you like the feel of. Same with pencils or crayons, pens or watercolours. Feel around and select what asks to accompany you.
Then try this
Each day create an image on the right hand side of your book. Maybe something abstract, maybe something literal. Do your best to let go of thinking and allow the image to develop as spontaneously as possible. When it feels complete. Stand back a little, reflect for a moment, and without labouring things, write a title or very short piece on the left hand page. Add the date - and smile. Do this daily and enjoy…
Creativity is highly under-valued but is a powerful force for good health.
7. Practice gratitude
Guidance - simple really - just do it whenever you think of it. Start easy… wake up and be grateful you did not die in the night! Then at the end of the day, think of what you can be grateful for - from the simple to the profound. Make it a habit and enjoy the warm feeling it steadily builds within.
And a tip - as you become more grateful for the easy things - those things you find it easy to be grateful for, start to be grateful for the tough stuff too. Then the benefits will start to really flow…
This single emotion – gratitude - has multiple and profound benefits.
8. Consider taking a potion - Echinaforce
Guidance - there is a myriad of supplements and potions touted for good immune function. Based on experience garnered over many years, the one I recommend is Echinaforce liquid. An extract of echinacea it has stood the test of time and many have reported feeling its benefits. Use your judgement. If you do take it, probably best to have breaks from it for a few days every few weeks - seems better for the system...
Do all this and enjoy chronic good health!
What is behind the COVID-19 pandemic
– and what to do
Simple meditation for complex times
Leave it as it is
– the direct approach into meditation
How to build a veggie garden quickly
– or revamp one
So this week, 8 simple steps that we can all manage in daily life that can be relied upon to boost immune function, have us in the best health to recover from the virus if we do happen to develop it, and that will give us the best chance of avoiding all the chronic degenerative diseases. A simple formula, but first

Thought for the day
In our time, in our civilization,
Sitting and doing nothing
Is considered either to be a luxury
Or a waste of time.
But sitting can produce
The most nourishing calm and joy
And we can all afford some time to sit.
How wonderful to sit
And do nothing.
Thich Nhat Hanh
So as we begin to navigate these uncertain times, what is our best protection? How to bolster our own health to best resist the virus along with anything else we would rather not catch or develop? How best to boost our own natural good health; our own immune systems?
Seven simple yet reliable steps to boost immune function
1. Meditate daily for 20 minutes
For guidance - my new book Blue Sky Mind, and downloads of all the exercises therein guided by Ruth and myself - available by Clicking Here . If you cannot manage to meditate daily, then do it twice daily - your need is clearly greater!

Guidance - follow a plant-based, whole food vegetarian or even better vegan diet.
For details, best go direct to the recipe book compiled by the Gawler Foundation catering team : Eat Well, Be Well
3. Exercise for 30 - 60 minutes daily
Guidance - just do it! If you miss a day or two per week, that will be OK, but aim for daily.
4. Get regular, sensible sunlight exposure
For guidance - check this excellent guide from my friends at Overcoming MS - Click here. Vit D is crucial for good immune function and while the information in the link is framed for people with MS, it is one of the very best summaries anywhere...
5. Maintain a good social network
Guidance - start with a good relationship with your self. You are the most important relationship you have. Be kind to yourself. Generous. Then pay it forward to others. Use social media wisely...
Lots of great books to consider, but here are 2 that are old but very good : Getting the Love you Want by Harville Hendrix and Love is Letting go of Fear by Jerry Jampolski.

Guidance - try this…
Go into an art store - or look on-line - and pick up and feel blank drawing books. Personally, I like A4 size, but you may find a small one speaks to you, or maybe a bigger one. Take home the one you like the feel of. Same with pencils or crayons, pens or watercolours. Feel around and select what asks to accompany you.
Then try this
Each day create an image on the right hand side of your book. Maybe something abstract, maybe something literal. Do your best to let go of thinking and allow the image to develop as spontaneously as possible. When it feels complete. Stand back a little, reflect for a moment, and without labouring things, write a title or very short piece on the left hand page. Add the date - and smile. Do this daily and enjoy…
Creativity is highly under-valued but is a powerful force for good health.
7. Practice gratitude
Guidance - simple really - just do it whenever you think of it. Start easy… wake up and be grateful you did not die in the night! Then at the end of the day, think of what you can be grateful for - from the simple to the profound. Make it a habit and enjoy the warm feeling it steadily builds within.
And a tip - as you become more grateful for the easy things - those things you find it easy to be grateful for, start to be grateful for the tough stuff too. Then the benefits will start to really flow…
This single emotion – gratitude - has multiple and profound benefits.
8. Consider taking a potion - Echinaforce
Guidance - there is a myriad of supplements and potions touted for good immune function. Based on experience garnered over many years, the one I recommend is Echinaforce liquid. An extract of echinacea it has stood the test of time and many have reported feeling its benefits. Use your judgement. If you do take it, probably best to have breaks from it for a few days every few weeks - seems better for the system...
Do all this and enjoy chronic good health!

What is behind the COVID-19 pandemic
– and what to do
Simple meditation for complex times
Leave it as it is
– the direct approach into meditation
How to build a veggie garden quickly
– or revamp one
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