
Resources & Materials

For more information regarding Ian and Ruth Gawler's work, including their retreats, public presentations, conference appearances etc, please visit their website

Ian's books, CDs (including downloadable MP3s) and DVD's are all available on line from his webstore and can be accessed when you Click Here


You Can Conquer Cancer - Dr. Ian Gawler

Ian Gawler is Australia's best-known cancer survivor. His book "You Can Conquer Cancer" was a revolutionary book when first published in 1984. It has been reprinted sixteen times and translated into German, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Swedish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Polish, Sinhalese, Thai, Czech and Korean. It has become a classic and one of the most widely-read books on the subject of cancer prevention and management.

 Meditation - An In-Depth Guide - Ian Gawler & Paul Bedson 

A comprehensive introduction to meditation practice, written by two leading Western teachers. Ian Gawler needs no introduction on this website. Paul Bedson has worked as a therapist at The Gawler Foundation for some years, running programs, counseling and teaching meditation and qigong. Meditation is increasingly recommended for relaxation and stress management, to enhance relationships and wellbeing, to increase performance in sport and business, for personal growth, to transform pain and to assist healing. This is an inspiring and comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to know how to meditate well. 

Exciting new scientific studies reveal the brain’s life long capacity to change its structure and function – depending upon how we use it. Yet similar studies tell us that the mind is more than the sum of the brain’s physical parts.

With our mind, we create our world. It is our mind that regulates our present and our future. Do you imagine a happier world with better health? More vitality? More success with the ability to fulfil your potential when it comes to sport, business, relationships, healing and peace of mind?

Modern research is confirming ancient wisdom. Truly it is The Mind That Changes Everything and this book tells you how to do it.

Peace of Mind - Dr. Ian Gawler

Meditation's ultimate goal is to generate Peace of Mind. In the process it produces many other tangible benefits. Meditation can transform your life. This best-selling classic clearly and completely sets out the many benefits and techniques of meditation. This information is presented in a style that combines the clear logic of the Western intellect with the intuitive insight of the Eastern mystic.

Meditation - Pure & Simple - Dr. Ian Gawler
Medical research tells us that meditation reliably prevents illness, maximises performance, is a profound healing technique and leads to peace of mind. Meditation achieves all of this by restoring our natural state of balance. Once we re-establish an inner balance there is a flow-on effect. Soon we experience physical balance and poise, mental clarity and confidence and spiritual harmony. The real secret to all this, is that this balance is found in a state of inner silence. This book details how to relax deeply and how to still the mind. The exercises from this book are also available on the CD: Meditation Pure & Simple.