
20 July 2016

Winter – time to journey inwards; or go to Cairns

The seasons make for a clear cycle.

Spring offers new life, new hope, exuberance.

Then summer; warm, indolent, abundant.

Autumn comes and with it growth slows, even stops; the energy is turning inwards.

Then winter. Grey skies. Cold. Wet.

An invitation to stay indoors,
to turn the mind inwardly,
to reflect,
to regenerate
and prepare for the flush of Spring already promised.

So here we are.

Mid winter.

And a particularly cold and introspective winter at that.

While I love rugging up and getting out into the garden amidst the cold and rain, it is the natural time to be reflective.

Currently I have been reflecting deeply on cancer long-term survivors. What are their common attributes? Just how repeatable are “Remarkable Recoveries”? How best to help people overcome cancer and to get the best from what its many challenges can offer – both physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

If you are interested to hear me speak of all this on ABC radio, I was interviewed by Libby Gore recently – Click here.

Also, Ruth and I will be heading North in August for a series of presentations – some specifically on cancer and some on meditation generally. Details follow, but first

                Thought for the day

                     ... I don't know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention,
                    How to fall down 
into the grass,
                    How to kneel down in the grass,

                    How to be idle and blessed,
                    How to stroll through the fields,

                    Which is what I have been doing all day.

                    Tell me, what else should I have done?

                    Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

                    Tell me, what is it you plan to do

                    With your one wild and precious life?

                                 Mary Oliver from The Summer Day

East Coast Speaking Engagements  –  August 2016

Please share these details with everyone you know who may be interested, 
and Ruth and I look forward to reconnecting with as many of you as possible along the way :)

Cairns - Mind, Heart and Healing - Saturday 13th August

An inspiring and practical day seminar focused on peace of mind and accelerated healing.
For everyone seeking good health, healing and wellbeing.
Date        Saturday 13th August, 2016      Starts 10am (arrive 9.30) to 4pm
Venue       Khacho Yulo Ling Buddhist Centre, 348 Severin Street, Cairns
Enquiries   Call  07 4041 5556    or email
Bookings    Online, go to 
            or call Rinchen  07 4041 5556
Brisbane - Cancer Choices - Thursday 18th August

When faced with cancer, there are many choices to make. It is easy to be confused and maybe miss something crucial. Good decision-making can be learnt.
Ian reveals key strategies for gathering accurate information and then using the intellect and our intuition to decide what is appropriate for us.

Date      Thursday, August 18th, 2016 from 7pm (arrive 6.30) to 10pm
Venue   The Relaxation Centre of Queensland, 15 South Pine Rd, Alderley      
Enquiries and Bookings   The Relaxation Centre   Telephone  07 3856 3733
Flier       Click here

Brisbane - Meditation, Stillness and Bliss - Sunday 21st August 

Stillness and bliss are genuine experiences in meditation. They are deeply comforting, deeply reassuring; quite wonderful to encounter.
During this highly experiential workshop, Ian will guide you into experiences that could well transform your meditation practice, and maybe even your life.

Date        Sunday, August 21st, 2016 from 10am (arrive 9.30) to 4pm
Venue     The Relaxation Centre, 15 South Pine Rd, Alderley, Brisbane
Enquiries and Bookings    The Relaxation Centre  Telephone  07 3856 3733
Flier        Click here

Sydney - Feed Your Body, Free Your Mind with Greg Fitzgerald  - Tuesday 23rd August

Today, it is more common than not to hear people complain that they simply do not feel well and that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
This evening comes as the first of two seminars separated by 21 days designed by Greg and Dawn Fitzgerald to help you turn your health around and head into Spring and Summer with the energy, health and peace of mind which is your birthright.
Date        Tuesday the 23rd of August, 2016, 7-10pm;
Venue      Doltone House, 223 Belgrave Esplanade, Sylvania Waters, South Sydney
Bookings and enquiries   Book online at
                         or phone Dawn on 95401962 or 0424246847

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